Wednesday, July 29, 2009

That Others May Live

I know that phrase has probably been overused these days but what other phrase can you use for these dogs and what they can do for us. I just love to work on any pictures I'm able to take of this dog. He is handled, owned & trained by Mary Lehman. You can visit her site at Eagle Eye K9.

Phoenix's breeder can be visited at Valkyre German Shepherds.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Dogstock 2009

Dogstock 2009 this year at Placer County Schutzhund Club in Lincoln is now in the books as another successful yearly event. PCSC puts on the event yearly as a way to bring lots of helpers and competitors together for training, discussion, camaraderie and just plain fun.

Previous years have had people coming in from all over the state and this year was no exception. While we missed the San Diego group that always comes up we had contingencies this year from Oregon and even Canada.

There will be a more detailed write up on the Placer County Schutzhund Club website soon but I wanted to get a few of the images I was able to capture online for people to see.

We not only got to watch the training of the Schutzhund competitors but we also welcomed the Police Service Dogs for some brush up training.

There were a dozen helpers from around the state and Rob Dunn & Jessie Gabriel come all the way from Texas just for Dogstock!

I have so many shots this year that turned out well I very pleased. These are just a few of the ones I have finished sorting and cropping. More to come soon!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Busy Days

I've been busy the last month with my pottery site. I have the site up and have had a chance to enjoy throwing so new work. I hope to be able to split my time between my photography and my pottery. The pictures for my pottery and capturing how they actually look is more difficult than my Out of Bounds. Lighting is critical!

I expect to have some more samples soon but here is one of my favorites from a dogshow I had the pleasure to photograph. It was a lot of work but a lot of fun.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Coming up for air!

It has been a very busy 6 weeks since my first post. I've been busy setting up my website and getting ready for orders. While I never thought it was easy I was caught offguard at the amount of work behind the scenes that goes into the business portion of setting up a business. I still have to do setting up of my pottery but I am almost done with the photography site.

All I have left to do now is keep this blog up to date and post some of my tests and favorite new pictures. Here is my latest.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Where to start...

I made my husband laugh today. I made mention that I really need to get over my fear of blogging and just do it. When he asked why I was afraid of it I made the mistake of saying "I just don't like talking" without qualifying that statement. Once he quit laughing long enough to hear me I was able to correct it to "talking in front of a group of people I don't know yet".

Those who know me are surprised when I state I have a hard time talking in front of a group of people but those who know me well know how difficult it is for me. I always experience a strong sense of anxiety when I have to meet new people but I enjoy people so what is up with that?

So here I am "just doing it" and sharing a little about myself. I'm middle aged (that is a horrid phrase) and took an early retirement from the Phone Company. I quit counting at 13 layoff lists so even though I loved my job I chose to leave when an early retirement was offered.

It was a gift that was handed to me and has given me the opportunity to pursue some of my favored hobbies. I hesitate to call them hobbies. How can you call something a hobby when you daydream and it is in your mind constantly. Maybe a passion for learning more is a better description.

I think I'll stop now and just close with making a commitment to share my experiences here as I go through a new learning phase in my life. Maybe it will help someone else who is experiencing the uncertainty of today's economy, or another middle aged who made the scary choice to make a major life change OR maybe it will just give you a good chuckle. Laughter is like medicine.

Below are 2 sites I have and will be posting about the learning phase of these 2 hobbies/passions whatever you want to call them. And bear with me as I learn to share here.