Monday, March 25, 2013

Making myself uncomfortable

Yes…uncomfortable. That is not a typo. Making myself uncomfortable by moving into areas of photography I have no idea how to do. While I am the type of person who gets bored with the same thing over and over again I am also resist change if it’s thrown at me wholesale. I know from past experience if I just dive in I actually learn quicker as I get my feet back under me.

Thinking I might apply my work life to my photography I find myself attempting shots I have never had a previous interest in capturing. The birding was the first. Watching my improvement has kindled a need to push out of my comfort zone. I have grown to love the birds, and hummingbirds in particular, have taken on a life of their own. We will see where the backlighting takes me. For now it is enough that I am happy with what I see.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats for doing this Micky!! You do awesome work!!!
